Location & Parking

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The Tour de Big Bear Start/Finish line and Big Bear Cycling Expo is located at Bear Mountain Resort, 43101 Goldmine Dr, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315.

Rider check-in and late registration is located within the Expo area.

See Schedule of Events for dates and times.

Participant Parking / Drop-Off & Pick-Up Areas

Event parking will be located in two lots:

  1. Upper Bear Mountain Resort Parking Lot – PAID Parking: Located on Goldmine Dr. There will be a limited amount of spots available for the Upper Paid Parking Lot.  Cost is $25 and can be added on to your Active registration or included with the exclusive Golden Bear VIP Pass (also available for purchase on Active.com).  If you’ve already registered but haven’t purchased parking, you can add it on to your registration by logging in to Active.com and going to your My Events portal.
  2. Lower Bear Mountain Resort Parking Lot – FREE: Located on Moonridge Rd. This parking lot will be first come first serve. It is located about 1 mile away from the Start/Finish and will require a short ride to the venue. Shuttles will be in operation for friends and family.

There will be a Drop-Off/Pick-up area. In order to get to this area, you will need to drive up Club View Drive to the Upper Bear Mountain Parking Lot. Follow the signs and directions for Drop-Off. Please be prepared as this area is for a quick drop-off and no parking will be allowed for any reason in this area.

If you are staying in the Moonridge or Big Bear Lake areas, you will be able to ride from where you are staying to the Event. We highly encourage you to look into this as an option to get to the event, as parking will be limited and could cause congestion thus causing you to be late to the start of your event.

Getting to Big Bear

There are three routes in and out of the Big Bear Valley.

Highway 330/Highway 18 – “The Front Way” through Running Springs
The shortest and quickest way for visitors coming from Los Angeles, Orange County, and other points west. Please note that this route can become very congested on weekends and holidays.

Highway 38 – Redlands
Highway 38 is typically less congested on weekends and holidays than Highway 330/18.

Highway 18 – “The Back Way” through Lucerne Valley
Highway 18 is the quickest way to/from Barstow, Las Vegas, and other high desert locations. This route has the least amount of mountain driving.